A hyper classroom, pounding with noise, no one sitting still, pencils being thrown across the room, teachers have no control. Can you imagine a school full of middle school students with too much energy and no exercise...in multiple crowded classrooms? Students need to have exercise, so really, should middle schools require P.E? Well, should they? Yes, I claim that middle schools should require P.E because it can benefit all students in all different ways. It can benefit them in ways such as developing skills like endurance, social, and physical sports, like soccer skills. Exercise is always an important factor to include in someone’s life and P.E is a good way to create the habit early.
First and foremost, …show more content…
Author, Kristine Tucker says that, ”Some students need class time to focus on advanced coursework that might help them get into competitive colleges.” By all means, that is good evidence but, students can always spend time doing “extra” work, outside of school instead of taking a different class when you could be in a mandatory P.E class instead. They can join extra curricular activities like a school homework or study group and take the time to participate in extra work then. By having only 45 minutes of exercise daily will not affect a student’s entire academic career but, will likely help …show more content…
Author, Grace Chen, also says that, “Physical education classes help children develop fine and gross motor skills, learn cooperation and teamwork, reduce stress, and improve self-confidence and self-esteem.” That is definitely also good evidence because by having a small bit of time to exercise each day students create healthy habits and began to break the habit of an unhealthy lifestyle. Students will also get to socialize with people they normally wouldn’t talk too and learn to coperate and be productive with them. Making friends is always good! They will also have the chance to better themselves in areas they are weak in like flexibility, for example. It gives students a good opportunity to make goals for themselves in their weak areas too. Many students don’t take the time to do it on their own so P.E is a good, guided way for them to exercise each day and improve in all different ways.
Overall, P.E should be mandatory in all middle schools. Physical education is a great way to solve child obesity in America and make those healthy habits, well, a habit. It makes students feel better physically, emotionally and socially which will definitely rub off to make their peers and teachers around them feel great. Lots more smiles! It keeps everyone healthy, which makes for a healthy environment. Staying healthy is always an important factor in everyone’s