smaller and not as well put together commuter lounge. We suppose it will be difficult to convince them that a new and improved lounge is a smart use of their money. This problem will be tackled with simple statistics. Currently commuters make up about 35% of the population here at Seton Hall which means their is a definite need to please these students who make up such a large part of the school's population. The next point that will be brought up is how little the current lounge is used and the want for a new lounge that we will show through the use of surveys and a potential petition that we will bring to the university heads. As we dig deeper we can clearly illustrate that the investment in a new lounge will improve the University and make the students much happier. This in turn will keep more commuter students on campus to attend events and feel a bigger sense of school pride that is lacking in most commuters. Another benefit will be the appeal the lounge will bring to perspective commuter students who will be persuaded to enroll at a school who cares so much about their commuter population which will in turn be beneficial to the University as a whole. The following contents of this proposal will lay out the exact parameters that we plan to put into effect in order to make the dream of a better commuter lounge come to fruition. III. Analysis On Upgraded Commuter Lounge When we first came together as a group we asked ourselves; what is it that Seton Hall could change or improve to make the University a better place? It didn’t take long before we came to an agreement that the current commuter lounge needed an upgrade. We then looked into the current lounge to see what it has to offer in order to get a better sense of how an upgrade would benefit the students commuting to Seton Hall. Through our research and group discussions we concluded that overall the current commuter lounge isn’t appropriately equipped to fully satisfy the desires of commuting students. We then started formulating ideas as to how we can upgrade and transform the current lounge into a more inviting and accessible place for commuting students. In order to do this we asked ourselves; what additions would appropriately fit the desires of commuting students? We then asked ourselves a more important question; does this upgrade have the ability to enhance the college experience for the commuting students of Seton Hall? As a commuter it can be difficult to socialize and meet new people outside of the classroom due to the limited time spent on campus. We believe that our upgrade will attract more students to the lounge and ultimately allow a better opportunity for commuting students to improve their social experience at Seton Hall. With the additions of three HD televisions, two foosball tables, and additional round tables, commuting students will have new and various ways to interact and socialize with fellow students. Socializing and networking are some of the most prevalent aspects of the college experience, but one that can also prove difficult for commuting students with limited time on campus. Therefore we believe that upgrading the commuter lounge has the potential to fill the social void commuting students may encounter during their college experience. Upgrading the commuter lounge doesn’t just allow a better opportunity for students to socialize, …show more content…
With the addition of a microwave, fridge, and new couches, commuters can use the lounge to take a nap, grab a bite to eat, or simply just rest their mind in between classes. As we combined our experience with that of other fellow commuters at Seton Hall it became clear how time consuming commuting can be, which can have a negative effect on a student’s performance. We believe that by adding more computers, printers, study areas, and charging stations, commuting students will have a more convenient way to access and complete their school work which in turn can reduce stress and increase performance. This can also be useful for groups working on projects together, as the additional study areas can be more accommodating than what the current lounge