The change of colors that happens when entering the building changes your psychological mindset. When this happens your neurological brain functioning changed with the color scheme change. Cameron Forte, in the Use of interior Color Palettes to Reflect Recovery and Practicality, introduces how to use colors in buildings for the benefit of not only the patients but also for the staff. He states that,…
I am going to compare my college baseball coach to the National Standards for Athletic Coaches. Through my freshman year and also through my first semester of my sophomore I have a good idea of how my coach compares to the national standards. My coach meet a majority of the standards, but he definitely did not meet them all. First, I’m going to talk about the standards that he did meet.…
The MAPS mission is to challenge and support students as they make the transition to college. It was created to increase the retention of minority students by providing them with professional, cultural, scholarship, and academic opportunities. MAPS students get the opportunity to get a head start on college. Students spend six weeks getting to know other students, faculty, the Kansas State University campus and their majors. The program offers up to six credit hours, which consists of chemistry or math, kinesiology, university experience, and participate in a college lab.…
Being at the Phoenix Center today made me see how people’s attitude can affect a person. Patient’s in detox centers such as Phoenix have set schedules to abide by as part of their treatment plan. It is nesseccary for them to attend to these private and group meeting to help them stay on track. Many of them see these meeting as pointless and stupid but they are very beneficial to their progress. These patients are also grogy and tired as they are coming off of drugs and alcohol, and the medications they take also make them tired as well.…
It is important for social worker who are working with groups to understand the different stages of group development. As well as the dynamics of groups. Furthermore, social workers must understand the different leadership skills that the groups presents. For this assignment, I observed the group I was assigned to, which was group four. In my observation of the group, I observe the group members interaction and function.…
On 9/25/16 at 2157 hours, Officer Acosta and I were working patrol assigned to unit 3A22. We were traveling west bound on Claremont St, just west of Fair Oaks Ave, when we heard approximately 8 to 10 gunshots coming from the north of us. Officer Acosta and I responded to the area of Pepper St, east of Sunset Ave, in the Cul de sac. As I started canvassing the area, searching for any possible Suspects, Witnesses, Victims and or evidence, I observed possible blood splatter in the parking lot of the King’s Villages north of Pepper St Cul de sac.…
Middle Grades are probably the most difficult grades to get through for everyone. During this time of physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and moral development for these students learning about the history of Georgia is literally the last thing they think about, if they even really think about it at all. These students are some of the most difficult students to keep their attention focused on the subject matter at hand, unless of course we are discussing them, then and only then will the teacher get their full attention. During the observation assignment I noticed a few of the developmental theories that correlated with the five developmental stages of middle school students: Bronfenbrenner, Erikson, and Hall.…
The activity that I chose to do with the second grade students was an activity the measured their ability of moderate and vigorous, but also their ability of memorizing the centers they had to chose once they got tag by a classmate. For some, the activity was easy for them because the centers were color coordinated with signs. The students that were not at the second grade level development had challenges remembering the centers. The five students were engaged in the activity and trying their best when it came to the physical activities they had to participate.…
I wasn't sure at all of what I wanted to do for my senior project at the beginning of the school year but I knew i had to figure it out quick. The only thing i knew is that i wanted it to involve kids. At first I was hoping to volunteer with special needs kids at the Swindells Resource Center through providence. That unfortunately was not going to be possible because of scheduling issues.…
Before I came to Kisling Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA), I thought of myself as a good leader with certain traits and aspects. I believe that if I take care of my airmen, that they’ll take care of me by completing work orders, squadron objectives, or any future events without question. It wasn’t until I attended NCOA, that I was able to put concept names to the leadership traits that I had. For example, I would put aside my self-interest for the good of the work center because I wanted my guys to know that I have their best interest at heart. Which turns out to be part of transformational leader idealized influence.…
As the senior project comes to an end, I am truly excited about the benefit my influence has had on the community. My senior project was just another step to the legacy that I have implemented in Warren County. Thinking back to freshman year, senior project seemed so boring and far away. I never would have imagined the progress and success I've had with my senior project. My interest has stayed the same but I wouldn't think that I would have County Commissioners and a House of Representative present at my event.…
Observation of a 5-year-old Purpose The purpose of this observational study is to gain perspective of the various theories of development that were taught in class. Also, to help the observer understand that observational research is complex and difficult to describe a five-year-old female child objectively. The observation took place in the child’s home for one hour while her parents were present during the study thus, the mother can sign the permission slip.…
REFLECTIVE REPORT PAYING WITH YOUR FACE STUDENT NAME: DANISH ZAMAN STUDENT NUMBER: 1431203 In this project my first target is to learn that how the project management works in a company. But for the project the client want to deliver such type of project which completes there requirements. Firstly, the organization or the company wants to make such a secure technology which helps them for the payment by face. Our group is used face recognition technologies to execute this technology in future.…
The purpose of this study is to show the steps of handing the chronically tardy and absent employee in the workplace. This research will explore the steps it took to change the tardy and absent employee to becoming punctual at work. The employee will go through multiple steps to improve their behavior of becoming punctual in the workforce. INTRODUCTION Employees coming to work late or calling out has been an ongoing problem and seems to be getting worse as times moves on. Employees who are late on a regular basis are called a chronically tardy employee.…
Reflection When signing up to take the Final Project Course this fall I was extremely nervous and not excited to start. Walking into the first day of class and learning more about what the final project would entail, I did feel slightly better but still scared that it was going to be too overwhelming and hard to complete by myself. Luckily, the individual meetings and emails with my professor made everything much more clear and inviting. These final project meetings were very helpful in terms of receiving constructive criticism and then going back home to make changes to the paper.…