There is only one way to stop this devilish trait infecting the police force. There is only one way to stop the killing sprees and waste of human’s lives. We must take all the weapons away from everyone except the military. No guns, knives or anything. And then we will finally have our peace in the great America.
You may be skeptical and say that there is no way in Narnia this will work, but I guarantee it will and here is why: people just want to be protected. They don’t want to be threatened or feel scared in the land of the free. The …show more content…
Instead of paying for all the guns and bullets and cleaning supplies for these gosh-darn weapons, the police force can concentrate on buying anger management courses or up the amount of donut parties they can have per month. In time, the expense accounts will show how much cheaper those things are than weapons. Not only will the government benefit from this frugal idea, the officers it’s effecting will happily to. And finally this proposal will work because the weapons will fall into the right hands. With my brilliant plan, they’ll all be donated to the Military. Only military personnel will be able to handle, carry and operate any weapons. But I’ll tell ya, it better be for a hell of a