Examples Of Noble Cause Corruption

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Noble Cause Corruption has received much attention in police culture lately. Noble Cause has been used in ways it shouldn’t. But it’s something we need to fix before it gets worse. Police officers face ethical dilemmas and ethical challenges a lot. But when we think of these decisions being down we look at two ethical systems that many people do use. “With the weight of this responsibility in mind, it’s important to define and understand the two basic ethical systems. We use these to process everything from simple, everyday challenges all the way up to those “rock and a hard spot,” potentially career-ending predicaments (Bayley, 2010, p. 1).” The Deontological Ethical System and the Teleological Ethical System. The Deontological Ethical system …show more content…
It’s been a very serious issue then and continues to be. We see problems occurring with the way Muslims are approached and the problems they are faced with daily. The global war on terrorism, if nothing else has brought up discussion of when and how people can use violence or restrict the liberties of their own citizens or persons they encounter (Nolte, 2004). Our issues with war on terror have brought up many conflicts that law enforcement got themselves into and there’s many opinions that others have on that. Was it right? What the punishment for it? And many more. In May of 2015 a report was released showing that an estimate of at least 1.3 million people have been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan from direct and indirect consequences of the U.S. “war on terrorism.” (Carasik, 2015). Although no estimate on casualties and deaths among enemy combatants and civilians. Not only has it cost the U.S. blood but also …show more content…
It gave the government surveillance powers in four areas (ACLU). Record searches, which expanded the government’s ability to look at records on an individual’s activity being held by third parties. Secret searches, which lets the government search property without notice of owner. Intelligent searches, which expands a narrow exception to the Fourth Amendment that had been created for the collection of foreign intelligence information and “Trap and trace” searches, which expands Fourth Amendment exception for spying that collect “addressing” information about the origin and destination of communications (ACLU). The Patriot Act has definitely changed things since September 9th, 2001 and many individuals have not agreed to it. They began to begin wiretapping on citizens which are when the practice of connecting a listening device to a telephone line to secretly monitor a conversation. Which is definitely an act under the Patriot Act but unfortunately is being done. It has enabled the government to reach past borders to protect its citizens like never imagined before (Mullikin, Rahman, 2010). There is an Ethical Dilemma of the USA Government Wiretapping, one side of the argument we have a loss privacy of privacy which is necessary if we are to protect our country from terrorist attacks, although on the other side, our civil liberty groups and others will argue that giving up

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