They can’t just take a person’s records without a reason. Having the Patriot Act enables our country to be safer, especially with all the other terrorist attacks that have been happening all over the world, like the Berlin Bombings and the Paris Shootings. The Patriot Act also gives the public the reassurance that the government is doing something to try and keep them safe. As a result of all the surveillance there have been some minor terrorism acts that have been uncovered, and it works as a fear mechanism to scare the terrorists. Although the PATRIOT was created to keep the US safe, the intelligence agencies have abused their power on the fact that there are loopholes in the bill. On average, to pass a bill in Congress, it takes about 8 ½ months. The USA PATRIOT Act was passed in 45 days. There was no public hearing when it was first proposed, and all 345 pages of it, were printed at 3 am on the day of court hearing. That gave congressmen the time between 3 am and 11 am to read the bill. No one read it. Then the bill that was voted on the previous morning was changed at midnight. Almost all the revisions were efforts to expand the federal law enforcements and power. It used fighting terrorism as its only reason and got a surprising amount of support. Because The PATRIOT Act was so rushed in its creation, it is no surprise that it violates many human rights. It is scary, however, because of the extent of how much it violates certain rights like Information privacy, privacy of communications and territorial privacy. Information privacy are documents like medical records, credit information etc., Privacy of communications is anything that revolves around communicating with someone like emails, phone calls, letters. Territorial privacy is privacy regarding domestic and other environments like the home or work place. When the Act was passed, it was for use to find terrorist activities. It
They can’t just take a person’s records without a reason. Having the Patriot Act enables our country to be safer, especially with all the other terrorist attacks that have been happening all over the world, like the Berlin Bombings and the Paris Shootings. The Patriot Act also gives the public the reassurance that the government is doing something to try and keep them safe. As a result of all the surveillance there have been some minor terrorism acts that have been uncovered, and it works as a fear mechanism to scare the terrorists. Although the PATRIOT was created to keep the US safe, the intelligence agencies have abused their power on the fact that there are loopholes in the bill. On average, to pass a bill in Congress, it takes about 8 ½ months. The USA PATRIOT Act was passed in 45 days. There was no public hearing when it was first proposed, and all 345 pages of it, were printed at 3 am on the day of court hearing. That gave congressmen the time between 3 am and 11 am to read the bill. No one read it. Then the bill that was voted on the previous morning was changed at midnight. Almost all the revisions were efforts to expand the federal law enforcements and power. It used fighting terrorism as its only reason and got a surprising amount of support. Because The PATRIOT Act was so rushed in its creation, it is no surprise that it violates many human rights. It is scary, however, because of the extent of how much it violates certain rights like Information privacy, privacy of communications and territorial privacy. Information privacy are documents like medical records, credit information etc., Privacy of communications is anything that revolves around communicating with someone like emails, phone calls, letters. Territorial privacy is privacy regarding domestic and other environments like the home or work place. When the Act was passed, it was for use to find terrorist activities. It