The Purpose Of The Patriot Act

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After 9/11, The United States was very intent on fighting and stopping terrorism and terrorist attacks. In order to help fight terrorism a bill called The Patriot Act was passed to help fight terrorism. Since then problems have arrived with the passing of this bill, problems that lead to questioning the legitimacy of The Patriot Act. If The Patriot Act was justified, then Edward Snowden would not have had to do what he did. The United States needs supervision while enforcing The Patriot Act to make sure the right of every citizen is protected and that they do not overstep their boundaries. The Patriot Act is an act that was created by Congress. It was signed into law by former President George W. Bush on October 26th, 2001. The overall goal of The Patriot Act was to strengthen the powers of higher law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism. …show more content…
Two of the four planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Within two hours of the crash, both buildings had collapsed. A third plane was then flown into the Pentagon just outside of Washington D.C. And the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Passengers on the fourth plane regained control of the aircraft, but were unable to land safely, 2,996 citizens were killed during this event, including all 19 hijackers and the 227 civilians on the planes. The attacks also caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. This event caused many other countries around the world including The United States of America, to reevaluate anti-terrorism methods and to strengthen them so this incident doesn't happen

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