The one reason many Americans oppose the Patriot act is because of its little success. Even with this act in place, "it doesn't make us any safer" (source 2). As far as catching terrorists, it hasn't showed many results. However, there are many other crimes that can be easily detected by having the ability to see all cell phone activity. For example between "2003 and 2005, there was 53 criminal referrals" (source 5). These referrals were related to money laundering, immigration and fraud. These threats were not based on terrorism, however, it still served America for other reasons. By allowing the government access to …show more content…
The Patriot act does interfere with privacy related to technology, however, once something is on the internet, it will always be there. Source two states that "It violates the privacy of millions of innocent people" (source 2). This act has positively effected "terrorism laws, removed obstacles to investigating terrorism, enhanced the federal governments capacity, and has helped update the law" (source 3). The patriot act was been extremely beneficial and there are still complaints of privacy being invaded. There are numerous other ways to communicate with people, one can personally have a conversation and if that is not possible then sending a post card is also a possibility. Taking away the extra security of Americans because one is frightened, annoyed or scared of the government having access to their online conversations is unethical, concerning and unfair to