As of May 5, 2004, atleast 310 defendants have been charged with criminal offenses as a result of terrorism investigations since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and 179 of those defendants have already been convicted. Many criminals have been caught and charged with terrorism, and in turn lives have been saved. Was the privacy of those criminals looked into, and taken advantage of? Yes, yes it was. Were many innocent lives saved as a result? Yes, more than likely. People love freedom. They love the idea of it. Yet we all crave security and comfort. Furthermoore, if you have nothing to hide, no secrets, and nothing to be afraid of being thrown out into the open, wouldnt that be freedom? Being truly free? From all lies, secrecy, fear? All the while, you, your neighbors, and every other american citizen, living in the United States of America. The patriot act is an essential thing, that helps everyone, except those that wish to harm
As of May 5, 2004, atleast 310 defendants have been charged with criminal offenses as a result of terrorism investigations since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and 179 of those defendants have already been convicted. Many criminals have been caught and charged with terrorism, and in turn lives have been saved. Was the privacy of those criminals looked into, and taken advantage of? Yes, yes it was. Were many innocent lives saved as a result? Yes, more than likely. People love freedom. They love the idea of it. Yet we all crave security and comfort. Furthermoore, if you have nothing to hide, no secrets, and nothing to be afraid of being thrown out into the open, wouldnt that be freedom? Being truly free? From all lies, secrecy, fear? All the while, you, your neighbors, and every other american citizen, living in the United States of America. The patriot act is an essential thing, that helps everyone, except those that wish to harm