A SWOT analysis is defined as an overall evaluation of the company’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T).
Strength is the internal capabilities that may help a company reach its objectives. Strength include internal capabilities, resources and positive situational factors that may help the company serve its customers and achieve its objectives. Bank Islam Trust company set their vision as fully client-focused in their operation. BTL provide a good service for the customers in order to build a strong relationship with them. In addition, BTL owned a team of qualified professionals to make a clear explanation and help the clients to get a clearer image of understanding about their fortunes …show more content…
BTL is one of the member and being supported by its headquarter, which is Bank Islam Group of Companies. Bank Islam Group of Companies is a big company listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia. With its strong foundation of experience and good reputation in credibility. So, it will become an additional advantage for Bank Islam Trust to get more new clients in which more customers will be attracted to choose BTL as their choice to manage their financial commitment and investment. As we know, Labuan is an International Business and Financial Centre (IBFC). Labuan IBFC has planned to attract 8,004 companies from more than 80 countries to operate in Labuan. This situation give benefits to Bank Islam Trust to get more chances in getting more new customers and expand its customer base. Bank Islam Trust Company also should take the chance to have more customers and increase universal …show more content…
It can be the power in affect prices of goods and services as the companies attempt to gain into the larger market share. In the other hand, the competitors also require the organization to improve the efficiency in order to reduce costs lost.
There are many trust companies competitors which enroll in the same field as a formation and management company like BTL. For examples, Asiatrust Limited and Bbs Trust Int'l Limited. In this case, customers will have more choices to choose the best trust company which can really satisfy them according to their requirements and needs. Therefore, when there is competition among the trust companies, BTL will implement their efforts by doing a lots of improvement to upgrade their company. BTL will try to promote and provide the best and quality products and services and customer service to attract the new clients so they will be the most outstanding trust company among the