As I reflect over my life I kept hearing the scripture that says the first shall be last and the last shall be first. If you read my first book called Transcend to Legacy: Facing myself, you learned that I am the first born, the first granddaughter on both sides and the first to complete college out of my two siblings. Being the first may be exciting in some people’s eyes but for me being the first is very hard. The first means you are the example maker and as Tupac said “All Eyes On Me”. The first is a hard position to hold up to and I agree with the artist Rockwell song from the 80’s titled “Somebody’s Watching Me”.
In God’s eyes it doesn’t matter who …show more content…
I use to love going to church as a child. I would have this rushing adrenaline moving throughout my body when I would hear the choir sing, the pastors and or ministers preach, and when the service would be so high that people shouted and praised the Lord. I would go home and mimic the events from church with my sister. At that time I only had one sister. I realized at a young age that I was different from most children including my siblings. To this day, I believe I received the gift of speaking in tongues as a child. I never told anyone because I didn’t think it was possible since I had not been baptized yet. We were taught that in order to receive the gift of speaking in tongues, you had to be baptized. So to avoid being labeled as crazy as a child I kept my mouth