their gender. The EEOC has defined sexual harassment in its guidelines as: unwelcomed sexual
advantages, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Proposal to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an
individual's employment. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as
a basis for employment decisions affecting such individual. Such conduct has the determination
or consequence of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Unwelcome Behavior is the …show more content…
There are two types of harassment are Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Work Environment.
Quid pro quo means “this is that”. It contains expressed or implied demands for sexual favors in
exchange for some benefit (a promotion, pay increase) or to avoid some detriment (termination,
demotion) in the workplace. It is enacted by someone who is in a position of power or authority
over another (manager or supervisor over a subordinate). A clear example of Quid pro quo
harassment would be a supervisor threating to fire an employee if he/she does not have sex with
Hostile work environment harassment rises when speech or conduct is so severe
and persistent that it creates an intimidating or negatively affects a person’s job performance.
Unlike quid pro quo harassment, this type of harassment can be enacted by anyone in the work
environment, including: peers, supervisors, subordinates, vendors, customers, or contractors.
Hostile work environment are not as easy to recognize, given that an individual comment or
occurrence may not be severe, demeaning behavior may occur that is not based on sex, and …show more content…
People harass to show you authority, but the
law is on your side. Make sure you keep an updated detailed diary of describing everything that
has happened to you. You can tell the perpetrator to stop. Be direct and firm. Very often this
simple step could stop the harassment. If telling the perpetrator to stop doesn’t work, write a
letter describing the situation to the harasser’s supervisor. Include specific instances when you
were harassed and possible ways to solve the problem (possibly having them transferred). If
reporting the abuse to the harasser’s supervisors doesn’t work, it may be time to file a complaint.
To file a complaint, you must contact either the Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). Your company is not allowed to
retaliate against you for filing a sexual harassment complaint. Be aware that there are time
restrictions on filing sexual harassment complaints. Usually you only have 180 days to file a
complaint with the PHRC and 300 days to file complaint to EEOC
Punishment for sexual harassment- if an employer is found guilty of ignoring to stop or
prevent sexual harassment, the employer may face court-ordered penalties. In most cases,