Sexual Harassment Of Women Case Study

Improved Essays

Sexual harassment in a workplace, or at any other professional or/and social place is defined as making unwanted sexual advances or obscene(vulgar) comments on an individual(s) (mostly women but also includes men and third gender). Here, I will talk about the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace and its Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act.


The Government of India introduced the Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act on the day of 9th December 2013 for the protection of the women at workplace after the call made by the Vishaka Judgement.

The Act aspired to ensure women’s right to work with dignity and equality at the workplace whether
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 STEP 1: Any women can lodge a complaint inappropriate behaviour at work environment to the inner board of trustees. A composed notice is to be given inside a time of 3 months from the date of occurrence. In addition, 6 duplicates of the objection to interior board of trustees alongside supporting records and names and addresses of the witnesses is to be submitted.

 STEP 2: Inner advisory group to send one duplicate of the protest and related records to the respondent inside 7 working days of receipt of dissension.

 STEP 3: Respondent to record his answer to ICC alongside supporting archives and names and addresses of the observers inside 10 working days from the date of receipt of reports from Internal council.

 STEP 4: The inside board of trustees before taking any moves, can find a way to settle the issue amongst her and the respondent, just at demand of complainant. On the off chance that saying succeeded, the board makes request as per arrangements of MMTC ECDA standards and standards of normal
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This is to be done inside a time of 10 days from the date of consummation of request and such reports should be made accessible to the concerned gatherings.

The Act also has some more details including the succeeding actions to be taken and confidentiality of the complainant.
 Activity in the issue:

• If the assertion against the respondent has not been demonstrated, it might prescribe to the business that no activity is required to be taken in the issue, or if

• The affirmation against the respondent is demonstrated, it might prescribe boss approaching to make a move for lewd behavior as unfortunate behavior.

• Moves would be made inside 60 days of the receipt of suggestions from the inward advisory group.

 Confidentiality:

This Act has a provision which excludes this from the Right to Information Act, 2005. Information regarding the contents of the complaint made, the identity and addresses of the complainant, respondent and witnesses, any information relating to conciliation and inquiry proceedings, recommendations of the Internal Committee and the action taken by the employer shall not be published, communicated or made known to the public, press and media in any

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