I climbed the tree to get Rodgers I went up there and grabbed my knife out of my holster and cut him down. As we both fell down off the tree when we hit the ground we fell in to a tunnel of depression and eeriness, while we were trying to find our way out we were knocked out. When we awoke were tied up with rope and our mouths stuffed with old rags. When the noticed we have awoken they grabbed a revolver and told us to play Russian roulette so we did. As I put the single bullet in the chamber it reeked of death and rotten flesh. I spun the chamber once and put it to my head and awoke to being in a cave with Lt. Rodgers. When I got up I screamed as loud as I could and Lt. Rodgers awoke right away saying what’s wrong. But after that I and Rodgers left the cave we came up on an enemy base. As that happened I pulled out my sniper and screwed on the suppressor and I told Rodgers let’s get this Intel. And right when I was about to shoot I awoke back at the cave with the revolver aimed at my head I pulled the trigger nothing happened. As we came to the last round in the chamber Rodgers had it aimed to his head he looked at me like a vulture then he shot and he was killed in a blink of an eye Rodgers fell to the ground like a bag of rocks. And that
I climbed the tree to get Rodgers I went up there and grabbed my knife out of my holster and cut him down. As we both fell down off the tree when we hit the ground we fell in to a tunnel of depression and eeriness, while we were trying to find our way out we were knocked out. When we awoke were tied up with rope and our mouths stuffed with old rags. When the noticed we have awoken they grabbed a revolver and told us to play Russian roulette so we did. As I put the single bullet in the chamber it reeked of death and rotten flesh. I spun the chamber once and put it to my head and awoke to being in a cave with Lt. Rodgers. When I got up I screamed as loud as I could and Lt. Rodgers awoke right away saying what’s wrong. But after that I and Rodgers left the cave we came up on an enemy base. As that happened I pulled out my sniper and screwed on the suppressor and I told Rodgers let’s get this Intel. And right when I was about to shoot I awoke back at the cave with the revolver aimed at my head I pulled the trigger nothing happened. As we came to the last round in the chamber Rodgers had it aimed to his head he looked at me like a vulture then he shot and he was killed in a blink of an eye Rodgers fell to the ground like a bag of rocks. And that