As I sprinted into the distance, I heard a noise and I looked behind me. Far up the hill I could see blue …show more content…
We're losing more men by the battle. Lots of men are goin' back home 'cause they know we lost. Everybody knows we lost, but we're still out here, hoping not to catch a bullet. Know what I mean?"
I stared blankly at him. I had a feeling we were losing but had never heard any of the other men talk about it. What if he was right? Was I really risking my life for a lost cause?
"How do you know we've lost already?"
"Word goin' around is that we've lost too many men and supplies to last another year. Even heard General Lee is planning on meeting with Grant soon."
"So could this be the last battle? You think we're goin' home soon?"
"I hope so. But I'm gonna kill as many of them damn yankees as possible before I do."
Just as he finished, we realized the battle was only seconds away.
"Ready! Aim! Fire!"
The command set off a chorus of gun shots. Accompanying those shots was the sound of bullets flying overhead, something I had yet to get used to. A few moments had gone by before I had noticed the body lying next to me. The man I had just met was dead. His lifeless body was sprawled out, but there was no time for grieving. The bullets flying overhead wouldn't allow …show more content…
I remembered signing up for the Confederate Army at 18. I had believed war would be beautiful and filled with glory and honor. I imagined myself marching with my fellow soldiers, all of us fighting for our beliefs. The battle that had taken place today had destroyed what I believed war was. With the single shot of a canon everything changed. Lucky to not be killed like the men around me, I was knocked unconscious and left for dead. Remembering all of this made me push my hobbled body toward the river.
Ever since Grant had taken charge of the Union forces, I wondered if the Southern army's days were numbered. Defeat had plagued our armies. We started out fighting for sovereignty and our way of life, but lately we had just been trying to survive. We were no longer fighting Grant or Lincoln, or for our beliefs. We were fighting death and the overall defeat of the Confederate States of