Vietnam Platoon: A Narrative Fiction

Improved Essays
Vietnam Platoon

“Move out move out!”
“GO GO GO!” the general yelled while I was jumping out of the chopper. Bullets were already flying at us all the sudden a bullet already hit the person to the side of me

“Ahhh!” he stumbled upon the ground lifeless. Three people took cover against the rock I was going for it, it was huge I stood behind them and didn’t say anything. One of them stood up and started yelling

“move the chopper!” he got hit by the chopper while moving it up to leave he was knocked out cold. The last thing I remember was a frag bouncing in front of my legs. Boom! the next thing I see is me in the hospital and doctors working to get some shrapnel out of my hand. My eyes slowly closed like in the movies. I wake up but the doctors are not there it was just me. Then someone walked up to me he
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“The names Jack... Jack figure.” he grinned with his white teeth. I said and the manliest voice I had “well nice to meet you Jack my name's Tony.”

“you seem pretty calm about being missing for 3 years.”
“Missing!” well kinda your friends and family have been noticed that you are MIA. but according to the government you don't exist.”
“what that’s impossible don't they have a record of me?”

“technically no. there's so many people in the U.S. they skip a few and so… they skipped you.”

“Well what happened to me?” jack figure looks at him and takes a second to respond to his question…

“Well… a grenade hit you and put an two inch hole into your stomach and a bunch of shrapnel went into your hands. The good news is that you lived and your hands and liver is still functional and you'll be back to health in an month and don't worry your insurance paid for your bill.”
“How much was the hospital bill?”

“My insurance doesn't cover that much!”

“ I'll tell you I paid the bill because im part of the government and we need you for secret missions for

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