Public/Community health
Winslow (1920) defines public health as a collection of all activities that aim at prolonging life, promoting health and preventing diseases. He goes further to explain that these activities are carried out through the efforts of organizations, …show more content…
The information resulting from the evaluation assist in identifying and describing factors that affect the general health of a population. Besides, it provides the current health status of society hence allowing the health departments to plan for resources that may be needed to counter any concerns (Kemm, 2001). Consequently, this kind of assessment ensures that health resources are directed to the correct and critical health needs of the …show more content…
Therefore, the assessment adds value to the final decisions that are made. Some of the policies promote the general well-being of the society. Data provided from public or community health assessment also uses factual data supported by evidence from implying that the implementation process can take a systematic process (Fawcett & Director, 2012).
Accessibility for physically handicapped populations
In the recent past, societies have neglected persons with disabilities. Nonetheless, families and communities are slowly internalizing ways and means of assisting the disabled persons to lead a normal life. For example, policies designed to ensure that public and private institutions have facilities that can facilitate movement of physically handicapped has reduced the levels of stigmatization from the healthy