According to the Medical Dictionary online (n.d.) outcome is defined as the condition of a patient at the end of therapy or a disease process, including the degree of wellness and the need for continuing care, medication, support, or education. The intended outcome of the case study was to assess patients' self-efficacy for managing chronic diseases using the Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale. The case study findings indicated that there was an increase in participant’s self-efficacy post intervention.
Intervention Effectiveness
In regards to the case study effectiveness the data presented during assignment number two indicated that the intervention was effective. This was determined by evaluating question …show more content…
The case study findings suggested that if participants are involved in health promotion behaviors they are likely to improve and manage their chronic medical conditions. Patients and family’s members who openly discuss their medical conditions with their healthcare providers can help reduce the risk of medical complications and reduce hospital admissions (Torres, 2017). Potential implications they may arise in patients with chronic disease is lack of knowledge. According to Tian, Chen, Zhao, Chen, Chen, Feng and Feng (2011) chronic disease knowledge is an important prerequisite for an individual to implement behavioral changes towards the prevention and control of chronic diseases. Therefore, if participants exhibit a lack of knowledge in regards to their chronic medical conditions they are more likely to experience an increase in medical complications.
Future Considerations
According to Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, Gallagher-Ford and Kaplan (2012) evidence-based practice (EBP) can help in the process of making clinical decisions in regards to healthcare to provide the best scientific solution to a clinical problem. The use of evidence-based research can offer nurses and providers a unique opportunity to expand their roles and to transform patient care in a positive way. Therefore, in the future nursing education and patient education should be …show more content…
With the implementation of EBP comes the need for nursing education. According to Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, Gallagher-Ford and Kaplan (2012) this practice requires nurses to utilize critical thinking, appraisal and decision making skills. Not only does EBP improves patient care, it also helps to decreases healthcare cost and medical complications (Torres, 2017). As the number of Doctor of Nurse Practice providers increase in the upcoming years, it’s also important that these individuals are familiar with the use of EBP when it comes to nursing research and patient