The Effects Of Racial Profiling

Superior Essays
Imagine if we were African American or Latino walking at night in New York City what would happen to us? Let’s ask another question what if we were walking in a all white neighborhood? Out of ignorance most people would say nothing would happen to them. But in reality the chances are that somebody ( police officer) would stop them and ask them questions. The reason is because we are the minority in the U.S. We shouldn’t be surprised because racial profiling has been around since slavery time. Since slavery time white people have viewed themselves as superior when compared to other races. African American slave were viewed as a wild animal and dangerous. Even today that mentality hasn’t changed and people are suffering because of it. What is …show more content…
The police department needs the community trust in order to for them to do their job correctly. Since the police department are using racial profiling as a base to stop crimes that force the community to turn against them. In the article is say that “The Commission’s inquiry has also revealed that the impact of profiling extends beyond those who directly experience it. It also impacts on families, friends, classmates, and neighbours(The effect of racial profiling)”. As we can see racial profiling doesn’t affect just one person but it affects the whole community. Racial profiling sends a message that white people are assumed to be law-abiding citizen whereas African American and Latino they are assumed as criminal.Racial profiling isn’t the perfect tool to use in our community. From the Public Health Service data show that approximately 70 percent of drug users are white, 15 percent are black, and 8 percent are Latino. Statistics show that 45 percent of African American are in prison for drug charges, when only 26 percent are white people. The number doesn’t quite add up because white people should have a higher number of drug charges compare to African American people. This caused minority groups to feel unsafe in their community and their hatred toward law enforcement increases. We could clearly see that African American people are not the Majority of people that used drugs as compared to white people. Racial profiling …show more content…
It force them to see themself as criminal even though they haven’t committed a crime. The American Psychological Association found that victims of racial profiling have post-traumatic stress disorder and other forms of stress. It didn’t stop there it even destroy people 's self-esteem, dignity, and it make them feel worthless in our society. A psychologist say “Perhaps nothing inflicts greater psychological and emotional damage on a person than to compromise his or her sense of dignity(The effect of racial profiling,45).” Racial profiling is causing harm to people mentally and the solution to this problem is so simply even a kid can solve it. And there are more evidences that show the effect racial profiling have on people mentally. “Many of the people who participated in the inquiry described direct psychological impacts including: fear, anxiety, intimidation, and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.Several participants reported seeing, or having their child see, a psychologist or therapist to cope with the mental aftermath of racial profiling ( Human rights commission)”. This should break our heart when we are looking at the damage racial profiling have done to a person

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