First and foremost, the article “Race, Street Life, and Policing Implications for Racial Profiling” by Steven Hayle, Scot Wortley, and Julian Tanner takes a look at both black youth and street youth in Toronto and their experiences with police stops and searches. Specifically, the study done in this article …show more content…
Multiple different studies and analysis’ done in varying jurisdictions across the U.S. in the early 2000s showed the same results. A person of colour that had been stopped was much more likely to be searched in comparison to a white person. Although, African Americans in particular were subject to searches more so than any other race (Mosher p. 276). Mosher points out that while racial profiling is problematic across the U.S., it is also an issue in several other countries including Britain and Canada. In Canada, however it is prevalently aimed at Aboriginals and Middle Eastern people. Additionally, Mosher asserts that racial and/or ethnic biases of the law enforcement officers in the particular situation do play a role but it is also an issue overall across the country (Mosher p.