First of all, racial profiling doesn't work. One of the considerable myths about racial profiling is that it would work if just law requirement offices could utilize it - that by not utilizing racial profiling, they're tying one hand behind their backs for the sake of social equality. According to the information from public health service, approximately 70% of drug users are white people, 15% are black people, and 8% are Spanics. And weapons were found from white people more than black or Hispanics when they were stopped by the police officer. For example, the mess shooting just happened on October 1st in Las Vegas Route 91 …show more content…
When a law enforcement agency practices racial profiling, it send the message that whites are assumed to be law, which it means abiding citizens while black and Hispanics are assumed to be crimeable. And racial profiling is mostly like Jim Crow Laws, this laws is of the apartheid system for colored people from the southern states of the United States and border states between 1876 and 1965. These legal apartheid compulsions of public facilities must be segregated in accordance with the racial differences, and apartheid is interpreted as an unequal protection that does not violate constitutional guarantees and thus continues to exist. But in fact the part of the black can enjoy the comparison with the white is often poor, and this differential treatment has also caused the black people have long been in the economy, education and society is more vulnerable