Racial Profiling Cases

Superior Essays
The ACLU defines racial profiling as, “discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual 's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin”. While this act is shown in many other areas, law enforcement is included, but not limited to. The work force, education, and every day conversation, the primary focus of this essay will illuminate the recent racial profiling cases and their link to police brutality. Racial Profiling can serve as an effective tool in crime finding the specific objective of finding criminal activity a foot. A process of perception an articulation of relative human characteristics (negative and positive), racial profiling should be understood as distinct …show more content…
In worst case scenarios, unjust racial profiling results in death of one of the engaged parties, predominantly at the expense of the “perpetrator”. Notable cases of racial profiling against African-Americans include that of Jonny Gammage in 1995, Amadou Diollo in 1997, and the countrywide case of Trayvon Martin in 2012. “All 3 cases and more resulted in the death of the victim with little or no retribution for the acts of the officers. By not reprimanding these guilty officers, the act of racial profiling continues. In addition, a study in Arizona shows that during 2006-2007, the state highway patrol was significantly more likely to stop African Americans and Hispanics than Whites on all the highways studied, while Native Americans and persons of Middle Eastern descent were more likely to be stopped on nearly all the highways studied. The highway patrol was 3.5 times more likely to search a stopped Native American than a White, and 2.5 times more likely to search a stopped African American or …show more content…
In the article “Arrest as regulation”, Many Hispanics are being targeted as well, “in immigration context, state and local police engage in raids and arrest in coordinatii9on with immigration enforcement officials work with local police to identify, suspected “criminal aliens”, such as gang members”. Also, the immigration officials and interrogations out of immigration detentions and facilities allows a way to punish crime of suspected criminality. For instance, “immigration officers may deliberately incriminatory statements without Miranda warning, knowing that those statements might subsequently be admitted in criminal court. Similarly, a jury could determine that an arrested noncitizen is not guilty of the charged criminal offense, but also believe, as a separate matter, that the noncitizen should be deported”. A juror who believes that prison time is too harsh of a punishment for the alleged criminal might believe that the arrested individual should not remain in his job, or live in a publicly subsidized apartment. In addition, according to Dangers of Racial Profiling, before the attacks on September 11,”more than 60 percent of Americans believed that racial profiling was an illegal and immoral method of apprehending potential criminals. Most Americans understood that the practice by law enforcement agents of singling people out for obtrusive investigation solely on the basis of their skin

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