Persuasive Essay On Violent Video Games

Improved Essays
Violent video games are bad for many kids and even bad for adults. They can influence kids to think that the stuff they 're seeing in the games is the right way to act. Violent games are made for people over the age of 17, but many adults buy the game for kids that are under the required age. Kids should not be seeing people kill people for fun. They should stay away from games like Grand theft auto or black ops. There is a lot of gore and violence that kids do not need to see. Kids who play those games are more likely to act out in violence or in a disrespectful manner. They may think that robbing a bank is easy and it gets you a lot of money without a consequence. The study shows that people who have committed violent crimes who …show more content… The guy who went into the movie theater and shot a lot of people played violent video games. When they went into his apartment they found his place set up with bombs everywhere. They didn 't link violent video games to the reason he did this act of violence but they are saying it could have influenced him to cause such harm to people. If violent video games cause an adult to think about doing some of the things they see in video games imagine what a kid would think. Especially young kids playing these …show more content…
Violent video games tend to lead towards aggressive behavior. Kids who have played violent games are more likely to act out towards others and try to harm people. They tend to treat people they way they do in the game. They are more likely to bully people and use bad words to criticize somebody. Video games are so realistic in today 's world that people think there actually in the game. They learn better and it enhances the feeling you have while playing the game. You start to vision yourself in those games while you are playing. It makes you wanna go outside and practice these things. It makes you wanna act violently like you see in the video game. Video games make acting out and causing harm to others look fun. There is also no consequences for acting harmfully in video games. That makes causing violence fun and it makes people think that they can get away with acting in a harmful way. In video games, you can rob banks and earn money really fast by doing things that are highly illegal. People see that as a good thing and they try to rob people and banks. They can get money really fast just like they do in video

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