Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

Superior Essays
“Every 12 minutes someone dies in a motor vehicle crash, every 10 seconds an injury occurs and every 5 seconds a crash occurs” As time goes on researchers have found that mobile communications is tied to a great increase in distracted driving. The definition of distraction is when drivers divert their attention from driving and their mind is elsewhere. The world has become a nation of distracted drivers. Driving is becoming a bigger issue among the population and should have a more serious consequence.
There are many distractions when it comes to driving, which can be organized into three different categories Such as Visual Distracting, this is when the driver feels the need to look away from the road to see secure information. The next
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The driver does not realize the danger that is being created in a situation like this. The people talking on their phones are ignoring what is going on around them and rather have their mind elsewhere. Talking on the phone while driving is still dangerous it might not be as much looking down but it’s still cognitively distraction. Talking on the phone is a major cause of traffic accidents because irrelevant conversation are happening when the only thing that should be happening is the focus of the signs, traffic, lights and the road. According to the book Cell Phones and Driving author quotes, from the National Highway Traffic safety “More than 1 million U.S. drivers are talking on handheld cellphones.” Talking on the phone is becoming more of an issue, multiple countries have banned the use of handheld phones while driving. In the United States some states such as California, Connecticut, New York, Utah, and Washington D.C. have legally banned handheld phone use in a vehicle. Many other states in the U.S. have only banned cell phones from city bus drivers and minors. Other states have or are still trying to make cellphone use a state legislation but dozens have failed to make talking on the phone a state

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