Preschool teachers teach children many basic skills that they will need to know for when they begin kindergarten. They teach the children colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. Not only do teachers work at school with the students, but they also have to work out of school preparing lesson plans. These lesson plans have to cover different areas of child development, such as language, motor, and social skills. Teachers have to make sure …show more content…
However, many skills are needed to be a good teacher. Communication skills are really important when speaking with a child or even their parents. Teachers need a lot of creativity in the classroom and out of the classroom. They need to create lesson plans that will keep the students interested and engaged. If students do not find the activities interesting, then they will end up wandering around the classroom and doing their own thing. When the teacher has a lot of energy and is confident when she is teaching, the students feel the energy and they pay more attention to the teacher. Teachers have to know how their students are feeling throughout the day and help them be happy and enjoy being at school. Organizational skills are really important as well, because it is easier to find what you need and to pay more attention to the children when the room is cleaned and organized. Rather than, wasting time looking for something in the middle of an activity and keeping the kids waiting. A lot of patience is needed when working with little children, especially when the teachers is becoming frustrated and