Growing up I knew that when I became an adult I wanted to be a teacher. It was what I always wanted to do I felt that it was my calling to becoming a teacher. As, life went on and I started college I found that I was lost on the path to education. I knew I want the path of education, but there were so many ways to go from teaching preschool to being administer and everything in between when you take the educational path. After find where I would like to start my education career I choose, teaching early childhood students and eventually becoming a childcare director. With these two career choices in mind my goals to reach them is finish my early childhood education degree and becoming a childcare director within …show more content…
Creating a resume that ascents my qualities in early childhood can raise the chance of landing a job in the early childhood education field. Volunteering in my local community will be a plus to put on my resume. Networking and social circles is a very important aspect to getting any job. Helping out with activities in the community such as mom’s network and getting to know the local early childhood education faculties can show that I am commit to early childhood education and to the children as well. Once updating my resume, gaining volunteer work, getting a job in the early childhood education field can increase my chances to work up the ladder to childcare director. These three short- term goals will most defiantly help with the long- term goal of becoming a childcare …show more content…
Managing time can be a big obstacle when you have tendency to say yes to most everything a person ask you to do for them. Saying yes has got me into trouble with managing my time and having too much on my plate. But, I think that if I make a list of priorities, make an action plan according to my priorities, and having an accountability partner can help the obstacle of time management become less. One other obstacle I see in the future is not volunteering and making my brand known. A solution to this would be updating my resume with volunteer work and find those people that can help get connections within my community. Getting a job is really all in who you know so find the right people in the community that can advance my career is a must. Working with the park and recreation, city council, and other local nonprofit organization will