Animal Testing The issue of animal testing has been a topic for heated discussions for the recent years. It is necessary to point out that humans and animals have significant biological similarities which make it possible for the scientists to predict human's reaction to certain chemicals, cosmetics, and medicine . There are three major areas of animal testing including biomedical research, animals test using, and the cost of animal testing The first major area of animal testing is biomedical research. Animal testing is that during the process of biomedical research animals are kept in captivity or can even be killed.…
Imagine being separated from your family at birth, thrown into a cage, fed badly, forgotten about, unloved, and tortured through some of the most terrifying and worst pain? This is the daily life of a test animal. It is horrible, torturous, and unfair. Animal testing should be forbidden in every country. It is a completely pointless thing to do, and creates many negative effects on both animals and people.…
Animal Research is, has always been, and will most likely continue to be a delicate subject. The use of animals in research ranges from cosmetics to medical and wherever there are animals being tests there are groups of people arguing the morality and ethics of the testing being done. Excluding cosmetics and the like for now (that’s a different argument), the use of animal research in neuroscience is absolutely necessary and though it is a sensitive issue, there are ways to make it more ethically acceptable and to protect the animals themselves from blatant cruelty. Today, animal research is more humane than it has ever been.…
Oliveira 1 Animals should not be used for scientific or commercial testing because animal testing is cruel and inhumane, alternate testing methods are available, and because humans and animals are every different from each other making animals very poor test subjects. Research on living animals has been practiced since at least 500 BC (Animal Testing Pro & Con). Scientist use animals for many different purposes. Animals are used to test the effectiveness and safety of new drugs before those drugs are given to people to treat illness and disease. Animals can also be used as test subjects for products like lipstick, eyeshadow, contact lens solution, and shampoo (Hayhurst, 26).…
Animal testing, although defective, has proven to be beneficial. Animal testing has contributed to medical science in a number of ways. Because of the complexity of the human body, scientists will argue that it is necessary to perform research on living animals. However, because humans and other animals vary significantly, these tests may not always produce accurate results. Although there are alternatives to animal testing, eliminating the usage of animals will slow the progress of medical advancement.…
Kadian Ott Have you ever thought about animals used in commercial or scientific testing? Do you believe it's fair for animals to be used? Do people care if these animals go extinct? We should care about animals more so animals have been used for testing since about 500 b.c and that's roughly around 2500 years of using animals for our own advantage. These animals can't even communicate with us to tell us whether or not to use them in testing.…
Animal testing is among one of the most controversial issues worldwide. Animal testing can lead to many great discoveries in our constant evolving world, but can also endanger the lives of innocent creatures. Through many arguments, animal testing puts the life of animals at risk in order to try to make advancements in the medical, cosmetic, and scientific fields. The first animal testing began in the 17th century on numerous animals to demonstrate blood circulation. Animal testing expanded quickly and in 1876 parliament passed the Cruelty to Animal Acts in Europe.…
Animals all over the globe are sitting in a cage right now, scared, cold and alone waiting for the next experiment to be done to them. They sit in this cage longing for the day that they are able to free, if they survive the experiments or if they are of no longer need to the scientists. Every year there are millions of animals killed in laboratories from the tests and experiments done to them. These poor, defenseless animals are poisoned, shocked, and burned during these tests and are often killed because of this. If these actions were done outside of a laboratory it would be considered animal abuse.…
ANIMAL TESTING Animal rights are defined as the rights to animals so they can to live freely, with no hunting, without being harmed, free from medical research, cosmetics, and experimental testing. No animal should be held captive to be harmed or tested upon. In order to save human lives, as in animals are hurt in medical testing. According to the Humane Society of the United States, 79.7 million people have pets in their homes just in the United States (The Humane Society of the United States). Everyone should have a companion animal, but scientists should not do any form of testing so these companion creatures can be what they were meant u to be; a member of a family and not a member of a research lab and do not let these animals soon become like the dinosaurs.…
Question: Should animals be used for scientific experiments? Title: Animal Rights and Testing I. Introduction A. Background information The timeline of animal experimentation Viewpoints of animal testing B. (Thesis): Overtime, animal usage in experiments has changed from the past, present, and future, along with people’s viewpoints on the topic.…
Do you ever wonder why your medicine is so safe? Well, animal testing helps people and animals survive. To begin, animal testing is when monkeys, rats, and mice are tested on to reassure medicine is safe for humans to take. Animal testing should not be banned. To begin, animal testing has helped with diseases like cancer.…
Although animal experimentation has provided many benefits, there are alternatives to test toxic substances that may eliminate the cruel use of animals in research. The United States, along with many other countries, have turned to the use of animals in research labs to test human products for hazardous substances. According to the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, the United States uses about 12 million animals every year making it the biggest conductor of animal experimentation in the world. Scientists and many companies believe that testing their products on animals save humans from being harmed if the product is toxic. However, no matter what the benefits of animal experimentation are, the tests conducted on the animals are cruel.…
Why Animal Testing Should Be Banned Everyday innocent animals are being forced into labs and tested for human research advancement. Cruelty Free International states how approximately 115 million animals, including rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice, dogs and monkeys are used in dangerous laboratory experiments every year. In fact, many of the experiments are said to be useless tests, as stated, “The reality is that the majority of animal experiments do not contribute to improving human health, and the value of the role that animal experimentation plays in most medical advances is questionable” (“Animal Testing is Bad Science”). Misconceptions by the media may stretch the idea how animal testing can cure diseases, illnesses etc.. But actually, as emphasized, animal testing is an inefficient way of finding medical advances, making the procedures to be unnecessary and making there be no reason to force animals into labs without a choice, it's blatantly a waste of animals lives.…
We as humans have progressed very far when it comes to medicine. Scientist have discovered cures to deadly disease such as mumps and measles, things that would have killed us not to long ago. Even though we have skyrocketed in our medical understanding we still use the same methods from the beginning. My topic of interest is to understand the background to animal testing and why we still use it in the modern age. Unfortunately there are many illnesses that surround us in our everyday lives.…
Animal Testing Nowadays scientist create many new things that make our life easier or even better than before . This can include creations of: hair gain shampoo, delicious chocolate or impactful medicine, and this has to be tested for perfection. The people of this country want perfection and this includes people and animals as well. This includes testing their products on animals who are perfect for experimental study such as monkeys or rats. In reality, experimenting on animals will make our world a better place.…