“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” A high pitch scream made me more nervous by the second as I stood there, waiting for my turn. I was in line for about 30 minutes just waiting for my turn on the Jurassic Park ride . I had sweat beads falling down my face, partly because I was in california and it was 89 degrees out and also because of how on edge I was about getting on this ride. Next to me was my cousin Ivan, my mom, and my aunt Leah. I has so happy to be there with my family I thought to myself.
“Hey Riley, where are you going to sit?” Ivan said.
“ I want to sit on the outside because you are most likely to get splashed.” I replied with great thought.
“Oh me too becuase I think it will be more fun,” He replied, then something …show more content…
It started slow. With us going uphill. Once we made it uphill it looked like we were in a jungle. There were dinosaurs all over the pace, the were Brachiosaurus and there were flying dinosaurs that I forgot the name of. I started to begin wondering what I was worried about, I mean we only went up like 30 feet. And then I heard this beeping sound and I saw these fake velociraptors and I started to zone out while my cousin was oohing and ahing over the dinosaurs. I remember last summer my cousin's reaction to when I got to California. Or when I got home from school and he was waiting for me. And I realized that my relationship with my cousin is so important to me, because he is funny, kind, and he gets me..
“Riley Riley Riley look” Ivan was yelling. I looked over at where we were entering and I about screamed. We were entering a pitch black room that looked like a abandoned lab with red flashing lights, and a very steep incline. The red lights were like police sirens flashing on and off. And once we started the incline we started to turn around the corner. I heard this computer sounding voice counting down.
“10,9,8,7.” I was getting more nervous by the second, just waiting for something to