My time in EF and Operation Neighborhood, as well as the lessons I have learned throughout my childhood, have shaped me into someone who can create a positive impact on my community. Always. I have learned many of the principal lessons of living life: being apathetic towards others will always lead to loneliness, but independence will not, all cultures have beauty and worth and deserve to be treated as such, and taking pride in ones community will lead to its betterment. Nonetheless, there are many more lessons I have to learn in life before I become the person I wish to be, and I presume that the time I could spend in the vibrant community of FSU would teach me the lessons I am in need
My time in EF and Operation Neighborhood, as well as the lessons I have learned throughout my childhood, have shaped me into someone who can create a positive impact on my community. Always. I have learned many of the principal lessons of living life: being apathetic towards others will always lead to loneliness, but independence will not, all cultures have beauty and worth and deserve to be treated as such, and taking pride in ones community will lead to its betterment. Nonetheless, there are many more lessons I have to learn in life before I become the person I wish to be, and I presume that the time I could spend in the vibrant community of FSU would teach me the lessons I am in need