The move was a bum for me because moving cities meant making new friends and that was something I definitely wasn't okay with. People would say,"You're going to get killed in Salinas" and for a moment I fell for it, so of course freaking out was my first instinct. Now that I've been in Salinas for three years going to four I'm getting used to living here. This community motivates me so much, more motivation than the one given in San Jose. While we lived in San Jose my brother and I had no idea of where we wanted to go to college or if we even wanted to go to college. Living in Salinas has made me realize that college is really important and that attending college and coming back to help the community is essential. This community needs young leaders for the future, we need people to motivate youth to pursue a career after attending high …show more content…
We didn't live in a house nor an apartment, but we did live in my aunt's living room for about eight months or so. It was really uncomfortable because when they had people over I felt their judgmental eyes on us while we were barely waking up. I look back to those days and reflect on how life was and that's when it hits me. In order for me not to end up like that again, getting an education was the only way for me to not go back to those terrifying moments.
As a matter of fact, after high school my plan is to go to CSU Monterey Bay or UC Sacramento and major in psychology so that I could come back to Salinas and help out the community. They say that Salinas is the second worst school in California, they say that because of all the violence there is and all the deaths that have occurred in the past seven months. The time for a better generation is here, the students who live here in Salinas have come to realize that we need to work hard so we can come back and lift up our