Community College Pros And Cons

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One of the toughest times of my life was when I was living with my dad from fourth to sixth grade. My father was in between part time jobs and we had little money. In fourth grade we were living in a small apartment complex that had about ten other residents. The apartment we had was only a one room apartment. There was no wall separating the room from the kitchen. We were one of the only rooms with our own bathroom. We actually had to share a shower with the other residents. At times when I would get back from kids wrestling practice most of the time there wasn’t any hot water left. Maturing throughout the years I realize the stress that my father must have been going through at time, and not getting child support from my mom at the time did not help either. I don’t blame him for having to struggle like we did. My dad did the best he could scarcely he had enough money for rent and Shurfine brand food for the month. Not to mention the money he had to save so I could wrestle, which he probably spent at least $600 dollars a year on. This experience made me stop and realize that is not a future I want for me, or for a future family I may have. The best solution I have for handling money better than my father is working harder at finding a better job. I am not saying my dad wasn’t trying. He worked for a roofing crew at the time. They did not get paid as well as most jobs, and it is strenuous work. I know this from personal experience. I roofed last summer for a part time job till harvest started, and it was a lot of wear and tear on the body. Also I will start a starting a savings account as soon as I have enough money were I can live off of, and put money into the savings account as well. If you plan on going to a college that is a university or a private school, there are very few pros to taking a loan out to pay for your college. There are more cons to taking a loan out. Although this is true there are a few exceptions to this. Let us begin with the cons get the negative part over with first. The first con is truly awful if you are going to an expensive college, if you don’t have a high income family. This notorious con known by far too many Americans is yes student loan debt. Student loan debt has cumulated up to a whopping one trillion dollars of our government’s debt. As I have learned in my economics class it is the only debt you cannot get rid of. For example, you cannot file for bankruptcy for your student loan debt. Here is the kicker if you marry someone who also has a student loan debt not only do you have to pay your student loan debt, but congratulations now you have your spouse’s student loan debt to worry about as well. Such a great system that our government allows. There are some Americans who will never be able to pay off their student loan debt. This is why I plan on not taking a loan out for college. I feel it …show more content…
First of all if you go to a community college you should not take a student loan out. Most community colleges are $5000 or less, so just go work for your schooling if that’s the case it is very affordable. Now, if you go to school for a high paying job, if you are smart enough to attend then you may be in luck. Say you were a doctor that made $90,000 a year then you will most likely pay your debt off rather quick. You would be part of the lucky ones that has paid their student debt off. As you can see there isn’t very many pros to taking out a student loan debt. In today’s society with the way the economy is you better be tremendously smart, or an outstanding athlete to afford to go to a decent college, unless you go to a community college, trade school, or a tech school. That being said there really is only one pro for taking out student loans in my

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