First of all if you go to a community college you should not take a student loan out. Most community colleges are $5000 or less, so just go work for your schooling if that’s the case it is very affordable. Now, if you go to school for a high paying job, if you are smart enough to attend then you may be in luck. Say you were a doctor that made $90,000 a year then you will most likely pay your debt off rather quick. You would be part of the lucky ones that has paid their student debt off. As you can see there isn’t very many pros to taking out a student loan debt. In today’s society with the way the economy is you better be tremendously smart, or an outstanding athlete to afford to go to a decent college, unless you go to a community college, trade school, or a tech school. That being said there really is only one pro for taking out student loans in my
First of all if you go to a community college you should not take a student loan out. Most community colleges are $5000 or less, so just go work for your schooling if that’s the case it is very affordable. Now, if you go to school for a high paying job, if you are smart enough to attend then you may be in luck. Say you were a doctor that made $90,000 a year then you will most likely pay your debt off rather quick. You would be part of the lucky ones that has paid their student debt off. As you can see there isn’t very many pros to taking out a student loan debt. In today’s society with the way the economy is you better be tremendously smart, or an outstanding athlete to afford to go to a decent college, unless you go to a community college, trade school, or a tech school. That being said there really is only one pro for taking out student loans in my