Ever since she was a small child, her days had been filled with studies and proper etiquette. Shuttled away to the temple, her life given away to the goddess Elistraee, the huntress. A bow was second nature to her as was the feel of nature all around her. But far too often she was stuck in doors to tend to the high priestesses every whim. The forest seemed like a distant friend as she would spot it outside of the occasional window. …show more content…
Looking down she saw the growing stain on her temple robes and groaned. She had to think quickly before the berries set. A memory of a small pool of water while once out on a hunt came to mind and she turned, running quickly in that direction. Situated between tall pine trees it was a place of seclusion. Taking a quick glance around and deeming it safe from prying eyes, she removed her robe and knelt beside the pool in only her worldly skin. She scrubbed at the stain and uttered oaths under her breath when they didn't seem to lessen. Her entire focus was on her task and she didn't sense the approaching danger til it was too …show more content…
The dark skin above her had her trembling slightly, she knew what this was and she was sorely unprepared for its viciousness. A drow warrior had her pinned to the forest floor, his body heavy and cold to the touch where he pressed up against her. A chilling laugh came from him before he struck out like a snake and bit into her shoulder. A tingle moved down her arms and across her chest til it overtook her whole body. The bloody bastard had poisoned her! She couldn't move out from under him even as he took advantage of her naked body, squeezing and pulling at her small nipples, his dirty fingers trailing between the thatch of hair between her thighs. All she could was cry silent tears as he forced her legs apart and grinned maliciously. She wished she could have blacked out as he continued his assault and took away the one thing promised to her goddess.
Silently she screamed out for someone to find her. A welcome noise was her answer as an elf warrior let loose a slew of arrows and rushed thru the trees. Her attacker growled fiercely and pulled out after already defiling her body. He cut lightly into her neck before jumping up and running the opposite direction away from her savior. She gurgled softly and watched the knight approach with wide scared