“Whatever you are be a good one!” - Abraham Lincoln. My Michigan Hero has been there since day one. He does anything imaginable. In my eyes can carry the weight of the world. He’s hands down one of the most amazing people i’ve known my whole entire life.…
I knew for awhile red chief was kidnapped, so i guess he was being returned. After the two men and red chief walked by the building, i quickly walked home to be safe. I called other neighbors to let them know the child was back. The neighbors and I locked our doors, and kept peeking out the windows because we…
You would think people who have next to nothing in their lives, would want everything they could have their hands on. After spending a week with people who had less then me, I understood that I was completely wrong. I learned that people who have nothing are the most caring and empathetic. The people who lived at the camp we were staying at, greeted us with open arms and warm hearts. As a mission team, we were obviously caring people.…
She was one of the girliest girls I knew since grade school, with her stylish culottes and pink garments of all different shades for all different occasions. She was the epitome of a mixture between pure innocence and quirk that boldly took her rightful place in the middle of my heart. Mary Anne wasn’t just all of that; she was also my affectionate girlfriend, my warm-hearted best friend who I could talk about anything with, from the most trivial things to the very meaning of our whole existence. At the time, all I could feel was the absolute joy that I got from spending my time with her. We had our entire happiness in the future planned out, a dream wedding and all, but maybe that was the reason why I wouldn’t have ever imagined that I would be feeling so lost and empty just a few years later, alone and missing a part of myself.…
This training has shaped me into a new man. The U.S. Marine Corps training is worse than you could ever imagine. They take you in, and they break you down, turning you into the man they want and need you to be. They're hard on us, harder than mom and dad ever were. I thought it would be easier than this, but boy oh boy was I wrong.…
I cannot believe how many soldiers have come in from the battlefield. I think at this point it must be on the upwards of 5,000 soldiers with casualties. The battle of Antietam Creek sure is a bloody one. What a shame.…
After what happened in those two long months, I have never hated anyone more than I do the white men. I never understood fear, until September 4. I have never had such a heavy heart for my family and the other Potawatomi people. I will never forget that day, the day my life was turned upside down.…
Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte... just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes.…
Hallo, I am 22 year old Erich Heusinger of Brandenburg, Germany. I am Catholic and am moderately wealthy through affluent parents. I am currently fighting in the trenches of this great war. I enlisted with my classmates a few years after I finished high school, vying for the glory common to heroic tales of warfare. My older brother, Karl enlisted in the naval forces.…
My time at Valley Forge was over, I had been fighting for general George Washington since the summer of 1775 and the victory on April 13 looked so far away because it was only late December, and it was seeming as if a turning point was unlikely. Do I stay and be loyal to my brothers or do I leave and never look back. I had to make my choice very soon, I could have left and the pain of seeing my brothers die , or I could stay and fight for my freedom such as many men had already done. The decision I made was to stay and fight for my country because many men had gotten sick, and I was a faithful servant to my country and I wanted to do what I came to the new world to do which was achieved my freedom .…
Have you ever had someone that sticks with you side by side no matter what? Well I had and actually still do. That person is my dad. Who has brought me to realize that he is personally my Michigan hero throughout my 13 years of existence. What is the most amazing about my dad is his devotion to my sporting events.…
When it came time for me to begin thinking of an Eagle Scout Service Project, I wanted to do something that would ultimately impact my immediate community and last a long time. I did not want a project that would only last for a short amount of time, I wanted something that would last and leave an impact on others. With this thought process in mind, I also wanted to give back to a community that helped me become the person I am today. I decided I wanted to give back to the two elementary schools I attended, Evans Elementary School and Limerick Elementary School, both in the Spring-Ford Area School District.…
So it finally snowed! I’m happy that it finally did and I built a snowman during the storm and it looks kind of…squared you could say. Since the snow is heavy, more of the leaves are now fallen off and it’s starting to look like winter. Today I went to my grandparents’ house to spend the few nights until thanksgiving. While driving out there, the corn fields and the bean fields were all covered with snow, you could tell that the deer were out and about since you could clearly see the footprints in the snow.…
Everybody has gone through a major event in their lives that might have affected themselves or others. Helping one of my best friends, Jacob, overcome depression and self-harm was the most impacting event that had happened to me. My hero’s journey is about the extremely transforming experience that I went through to save someone’s life. Stage 1: Separation During my free time, I dedicated myself to talk to Jacob.…
A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier is a historical narrative about Joseph Plumb Martin 's adventures and efforts while in the Revolutionary War. This classic read uncovers the thoughts and struggles of a soldier in the Revolutionary War during the year 1776. Plumb Martin enlisted in the Continental Army in 1776, and served in New York and Connecticut during the American Revolution. Joseph Plumb Martin was an American patriot for many different reasons. One of those reasons being that he went against his own will to enlist and continue to enlist until the end of the Revolutionary War.…