Seventh grade is where everything started. I made many harmful decisions. I hid all of these struggles from my family. I constantly fought depression and it seemed like it was going to win. Struggling with self-harm and suicidal thoughts, I decided to keep trying. My mom ended up discovering everything. At that point, my situation was the worst it had ever been. This carried into my eighth-grade year. My mom decided to let me dye my hair. She called it, “Saying no to one thing, and yes to another.” The farther into the eighth-grade year I …show more content…
The constant worry that everyone is looking at me, judging me. Speaking in front of people was a nightmare. Worrying about saying the wrong thing. The constant fear of everyone leaving me. Then it would be just me and my self-deprecating thoughts. I wondered, “Why am I constantly feeling sad when there is not a reason to be?” I finally brought all of this up to my mom. We went to the doctor where I was labeled with “social anxiety.” Great, another thing wrong with me. It was decided that I was to go to counseling. Counseling is not fun for anyone, trust me. I was counseled for about 4 months until I realized, it was not helping at all. Five months pass and things have gotten worse. Sophomore year is approaching quickly. I bring up anxiety to my mom again and it’s back to the doctor we go. This time I am put on medication. Fast forward to current times. I am still on the medication and the anxiety has been put on a leash. I am the happiest I have been in four