During the interview, I was anxious about getting the information down while also mentally preparing myself for the next question. I was also trying my hardest to focus on the content of what she was saying so I could get a full comprehensive understanding of her job. Afterwards, I felt pretty confident in myself. I thought I had done a reasonably good job keeping my cool throughout the duration of the interview, and I had the chance to ask all of the questions I desired to by the completion of it. The length of the interview was roughly a bit over forty-five minutes long. The aspect of her job that surprised me the most was how rigorous and thankless her job is. She discussed how stressful and taxing her job is on her. She also discussed how stressed the families and patients are, which is understandable, but I’m realizing that I don’t think I could ever do what she does. Perhaps I could do a job akin to hers if I worked somewhere other than a hospital; I don’t believe I have a composed enough personality to be able to deal with what she described to me. I have such a great respect for her, and those like her, that are able to go through what she does everyday for the benefit of others. The most important thing that I learned during this interview is that I don’t know if I want to pursue something a job like this any further. I will incorporate this to future career planning by searching for a career path that may suit me better and one that I’m as passionate about as Mrs. McKenna is about
During the interview, I was anxious about getting the information down while also mentally preparing myself for the next question. I was also trying my hardest to focus on the content of what she was saying so I could get a full comprehensive understanding of her job. Afterwards, I felt pretty confident in myself. I thought I had done a reasonably good job keeping my cool throughout the duration of the interview, and I had the chance to ask all of the questions I desired to by the completion of it. The length of the interview was roughly a bit over forty-five minutes long. The aspect of her job that surprised me the most was how rigorous and thankless her job is. She discussed how stressful and taxing her job is on her. She also discussed how stressed the families and patients are, which is understandable, but I’m realizing that I don’t think I could ever do what she does. Perhaps I could do a job akin to hers if I worked somewhere other than a hospital; I don’t believe I have a composed enough personality to be able to deal with what she described to me. I have such a great respect for her, and those like her, that are able to go through what she does everyday for the benefit of others. The most important thing that I learned during this interview is that I don’t know if I want to pursue something a job like this any further. I will incorporate this to future career planning by searching for a career path that may suit me better and one that I’m as passionate about as Mrs. McKenna is about