On their way to the hospital I was groaning and aching because it felt like someone had stabbed me with a large knife and was twisting it around my midsection. Because of this Father decided to take me to the closer emergency room even though the farther one specialized in surgery. When we arrived at the emergency room, I could barely get out of the truck and walk in. The person helping us asked me …show more content…
I was not able to move at all until my surgery. Father was with me this entire time praying with me and encouraging me to stay strong. I was very nervous before my surgery to remove my appendix. I was put under right before my surgery.
I was a little loopy after waking up. The surgeon told my parents that this was an easy and simple surgery because I was so skinny. I was sent back to my room to rest. Sleeping was something that I had not had for a while so I slept for many hours. I woke up after a while and started watching the Euro 2012 tournament which is a European soccer tournament that happens every four years and two years after each world cup. This was conveniently on for me and Father to watch during this time.
After the surgery I was very hungry and craved food. So at this point his nurse ordered me some food. For some reason I did not handle this very well. The doctors and nurses found out that I was not digesting the food very well. It would even come back up sometimes. They figured out that my bowels had shut down so I was taken off