Written communication is vital in all aspects in the care home, whether its record keeping, letters, meetings and updating care plans. Even in advertising written with pictures is ideal. Sometimes it is not possible to overcome a barrier to communication sovan alternative form of communication must be found such as sign language, Lip reading and Makaton which is often used for people with learning disabilities. Also Braille if somebody is…
My first day in the nursing home I shadowed a certified nursing assistant. I thought I knew all there was to know about communicating until I began working with the elderly. My perspective immediately changed as I interacted with the residents. Whether transporting residents or attending to their needs, I observed that many of the elderly residents avoided eye contact and did not speak unless it was necessary. It seemed as though typical communication styles that I was use to, were not the norm in the nursing home.…
If I were to choose a medicare plan, I will choose the original medicare coverage which covers Plan A and Plan B. I believe that I have more options and I will be better served if I have the original medicare coverage insurance. The downfall of the orginal medicare coverage is the cost and not everything is covered. However, I would like to go to any doctors and hospitals I chose without any approvals or difficulties.…
Patients today have many different health needs and often require more than one health care team member of a different scope of practice. It is nearly impossible for one health care team member to address all problems associated with the patients’ health issues. The interprofessional education approach also known as IPE is considered to be a collaborative approach between team members. The team members had to show respect to each other’s practice and work together to achieve the best possible care for the patient. This IPE event offered a way for the health care team members to share their skills and knowledge with each other, the patient and the family members.…
And, at the same time, “Inquiry into and curiosity about aging is as old as curiosity about life and death itself” (Ebersole & Hess, 2016, p. 19). As the number of the older population increases, nurses have to ensure that the evolving needs of the elderly are considered in the provision of their care. “Given the ageing … population, nurses will need to spend more of their time caring for older people. This constitutes a potential problem for the provision of health care to older patients if nurses’ attitudes towards working with this patient group have an impact on the type and quality of care provided” (McKinlay & Cowan, 2003, p. 299). Thus, the passage of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 had underscored the new roles of nurses not only in the acute care setting, but more so in the community (Ebersole & Hess, 2016).…
According to agusta care( 2014) communication is used in everyday life. This therefore makes communication support one of the most important things to do. Communication needs vary from person to person. If residents have communication needs they may have challenges with; ability to process information due to a disability such as challenges with hearing, sight or speaking. They may have difficulty with the ability to process and understand the message one is trying to communicate.…
Adapting activities and environment: Empowering people through autonomy, which means giving people freedom to make their own decision, is important as people should have control of their own lives so they don’t feel as if someone else is controlling their life for them e.g. making their own decisions in the activity. If they aren’t empowered in their choices then it would lead to the individual being left behind in the activities carried out and therefore be unable to enjoy the activity to its maximum extent. The individual may face barriers in the activity due to their lack of ability for example they might be in a wheel chair which means they need more space to move around so the furniture would need to rearranged or if they have language…
While it is not possible to determine the exact environment the patient will enter, this guide gives the patient direction and a way to have more control over the supportive services he or she decides to…
According to the Healthy People 2020 initiative, communication’s role seeks to: support shared decision-making between patients and providers, build social support networks, deliver accurate, accessible, and actionable health information that is targeted or tailored, facilitate the meaningful use and exchange of health information among health care and public health professionals, increase health literacy skills and provide sound principles in the design of programs and interventions that result in healthier behaviors (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2015). The website also notes that proper health communication between provider and patient has the potential to improve health care quality and safety, increase the efficiency of health care and public health service delivery, improve the public health information infrastructure, support care in the community and at home, facilitate clinical and consumer decision-making and build patients health skills and knowledge (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2015). Good communication between provider and patient has the ability to eliminate health disparity related constraints that limit health care access, treatment and positive…
There will always be barriers that separate healthcare professionals from their patients; having the knowledge and skills to address such barriers while maintaining professionalism and the patient’s best interest in mind is critical in patient centered care. As a colorful nation comprised of people that come from diverse backgrounds with different cultures, beliefs and traditions, learning the skills necessary to become effective communicators is of essence. An effective communicator has the ability to shift their way of explaining and communicating depending on their audience. Becoming a good communicator requires an extensive skill set. A good communicator is not simply one who relays information.…
Barriers and Enablers When it comes to health literacy and older adults with cardiovascular disease, there are a few barriers that may prevent the successful outcome. The first barrier is not having the health information presented to them in a format that they can understand. Whether it be simple language or adapting the document to have visual aids which may provide a better understanding for them. Next, is not understanding how to navigate the system and knowing what is available.…
Patients, specifically from minority backgrounds, may present with limited health literacy. According to studies conducted, low health literacy predicts the likelihood of being uninsured (Adepoju, Preston, Gonzales, 2015). Consequently, it is important that nurses improve their ability to communicate with their patients and reduce the amount of jargon. To increase the understanding of at home treatment plans, and health care options the nurse should go through teach back techniques to assess whether the patient understands the information provided and what was not effectively communicated (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2009). Moreover, nurses should always provide equal quality of care to all patients, regardless of their race/ethnicity.…
This paper aims to discuss the importance of patient participation in the maintenance of quality and safe patient outcomes. It also tackles about the different strategies that assist registered nurses in improving patient participation in care. The paper also closely examines the relationship between patient-centred care and patient participation in depth. Moreover, the many benefits of patient participation in care are emphasized. Effective communication in the clinical setting is also discussed in detail as to how they play a key role in the success of engaging patients in a participatory role.…
Public health nursing is defined by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as nursing practice that focuses on the health of the population through continuous surveillance and assessment of multiple elements related to health with the intent to promote health and wellness; prevent disease, disability, and premature death and improve neighborhood quality of life (p.2). Public health nurses are advocates for change to help improve the health of the whole community including private, public, and non-governmental organizations (p.3). “The standards of professional nursing practice are authoritative statements of the duties that all registered nurses, regardless of role, population, or specialty, are expected to perform competently” (ANA p. 27).…
For my reflective essay I have chosen to look at the challenges of working with older people in a health and human service setting and in particular how this would challenge me to work as an effective practitioner in the discipline of nutrition. In the last five years I have worked and spent time with older adults from different settings, some who are healthy and engaged in all areas of their lives, living independently and contributing to their community. I have also spent time with older adults who are determined to live out their years in their own home despite chronic pain, disease and social isolation and finally I have worked with older adults living in aged care facilities who have multiple conditions, prescribed multiple medications…