a) A suitable definition for the word ‘politics’:
“The activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.” https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/politics I believe that politics relates to the decisions made to do with countries or the government. A politician is a person who contributes their opinion on decisions and suggestions about laws, whether they are for the state or country. They represent the people of their allocated area (city, state, country etc.). The politicians will fight for what they want to see as a part of their party, whether they want the law to go ahead or be dismissed.
b) Within Parliament, the main purpose …show more content…
In Parliament, they are the green house. Each member represents an electorate. When a bill is first introduced, it is in the House of Representatives. This House will get the first vote on the bill and if it passes, it will be sent to the Senate for the second reading where they will vote on it.
d) The major political parties in Australia are the Australian Labour Party and the coalition parties, the Liberal Party of Australia and the Nationals. These political parties have people around Australia to suggest ideas for party policies. These people get grouped into branches and within each branch, they help choose candidates for local, state, and federal elections. They also help by promoting their party for elections.
Labour Party: The Labour Party was first founded sometime in the 1890’s. Since 2013, they have been the government’s opposition. The Australian Labour Party believe every person should have access to quality education no matter what their circumstances are, and they believe everyone should be given the same opportunities in life and work regardless of background. They promote equality. They are said to be a left-wing party. Left wing parties focus on equality in …show more content…
These may include matters on health, education emergency services, the environment and other things that only affect the state. Even though they are two separate governments, it is possible that both the Federal and State Government will make laws revolved around the same matter.
f) Cabinet Position in Parliament is a committee of Government ministers chosen by the Prime Minister, that come together to discuss decisions that are kept secret. The ministry consists of no more than 30 members and senators.
These are the main cabinet positions in parliament and their roles:
Prime Minister: Malcolm Turnbull (Leader of the Liberal Party)
Role: Malcolm Turnball currently holds the position of Prime Minister and received this role in 2015. The Prime Minister is the highest of the cabinet. He runs all the Cabinet meetings and has lots of responsibilities and is very important in our country.
Deputy Prime Minister: Barnaby Joyce (Leader of the Nationals)
Role: The Deputy Prime Minister is one step down form Prime Minister. Their role is to step into the role of Prime Minister when the Prime Minister is temporarily