The Importance Of Power: The Power Of The Prime Minister

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There are many benefits and powers both available and granted to the Prime Minster that can help them whilst in office. These powers can vary in many forms such as helping to solidify their position, gaining support on a view or decision and even playing down their own responsibilities. However the extent to which these powers can go have to be taken into consideration as Prime Ministers are still susceptible to pressure groups, mass public opinion and even other MP 's in parliament. This essay will assess the abundance of different powers the Prime Minister has at their disposal and will expand on their importance on influencing decisions as well as how far these powers can truly extend to. Taking into consideration the powers that Prime Ministers …show more content…
This is a major advantage to the Prime Minister as it essentially allows for them to appoint those who will be loyal and support their decisions throughout their time in office. Therefore it is argued that the “British government embodies a system not of formally codified rules but instead advice”2 and relates to the Prime Minister being surrounded by 'Yes ' men who simply agree and advise rather than argue and debate. As a result, this allows the Prime Minister to push their political agenda forward with little opposition as those in the cabinet are usually in favour or loyal to their decision. To embody this sense of power further, the Prime Minister can drop cabinet members who are not in favour of their decision from the cabinet entirely3 increasing their political standing by replacing them with someone more in favour. Theoretically, cabinet members can debate against points made by the Prime Minister, however this is very unlikely due to having a sense of loyalty after being appointed by them. This is proven by former Northern Ireland secretary Mo Mowlam stating meetings with Tony Blair 's Cabinet were “Dead with no function to play”4 and backed further by Blair himself stating the cabinet is not “a body for discussion and debate”5. As a result this has called into question the sheer power the Prime Minister has in this situation as there is a view the cabinet has been …show more content…
This point in conjunction with the fact the Prime Minister has no departmental responsibilities10, reinforces the political power that the Prime Minister has, as they are allowed to dedicate their time to other areas such as the cabinet that are lawfully abided to agree with the decisions made11. Further advantages of this collective responsibility for the Prime Minister, is that it avoids conflicting points of view or disagreements, theoretically allowing the Prime Minister to make decisions quicker. However this therefore deducts the key element of debating points and relates to how Prime Ministers simply surround themselves with 'yes ' men. Should a MP disagree under this 'collective responsibility ' they would be expected to 'resign as they are not prepared to defend a cabinet decision '12 and thus in return, replaced by someone more in favour of the Prime Minister, allowing them to push their own discussions forward without hindrance. It has been argued that because of this system, cabinet government had virtually disappeared under Tony Blair13 due to the Prime Minister having the reigning power of the cabinet. The only method of passing a decision was when Blair had “left the room”14

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