Carl’s Junior tries to use sex appeal by having a beautiful woman in the commercial who is eating the burger proactively. When that is displayed, the …show more content…
In the ad, she is always eating the burger proactively, and she is always looking amazing. The way that she takes a big bite of the burger and the satisfying sound of the crunch makes it so much more enticing to the mostly male audience. The scenery also helps to display the burger more prominently. Sometimes it can be the model eating the sandwich on the beach, or even at a car wash. At the end of the commercial, the sandwich will be shown as a beautiful looking sandwich, and it is so big, but in reality, it doesn’t even look like that.
Now let’s move on to how Old spice uses a buff looking man to sell the product. In this Ad, he is shown as a powerful being, who is always shouting at the audience. He comes across as an author active figure who knows how to dictate powerfulness. The background can range from a beautiful sunset on the ocean front, to somewhere in space. At the end of the commercial, the product being sold can be usually seen in all capital letters, to display authority and loud