I am currently taking ACA which is a college level class. This class will help me prepare for test, taking notes, and managing my time. So far I have learned how to do each one of these a lot better than before. I feel like when I get in college I will be prepared than I would have been without taking this class.…
ow did your freshman year turn out? Mines went great I could have done things better, but things went pretty well. My freshman year I went to Max S. Hayes High School. My parents were so excited there last born was finally in high school. I was so excited I couldn’t sleep the night before.…
Freshman year was one of the hardest years of my life. It was the first year that I wasn’t the top dog on the totem pole. I was one of those freshman that was annoying, immature, and cocky. That all changed the first day of high school. It changed for the better, because I am now a lot better off with my attitude.…
Maquoketa, upon my initial impression when I moved here in 2012, was a small quiet town and although that is something that I now I know it is also so much more. I was in middle-school when I first came but it was in high school that I truly grew to appreciate the wonderful community. My first year of high school was certainly unnerving, although I had previously attended an elementary and middle school that were more than double its size it still held an allure of suspense over what may soon come.…
I wanted to keep my book sack light, but to do this I had to make a few trips to my locker every day. It would definitely take me a minute or two because of the crowd, and I felt my locker just pointing and laughing at me as I tried to approach it. Despite the students rummaging through the halls, I was able to attend my classes on time. Of course, the first day of high school was mostly what I expected it to be like. It feels nice to have a fresh start, with some great teachers that certainly look forward to teaching me, and I most surely look forward to learning from…
High school ends with a graduation when twelfth grade is completed and the twelfth graders are going off to college. Then college comes. This is where it gets tough. People have to have their own schedules and know what they're doing because they are now on their own. Classes are harder than you have ever imagined.…
In high school the classes are harder, your grades matter so much more, you have to write more and sit in class longer. On the outside high school looks like one giant stress ball that is going to knock you out the second you walk through the door. There was no way I had a chance of making it through high school! When people asked me, “So, Emily, are you excited to become a high schooler?”…
Have you ever had something block you from getting where you want to go ? Have you ever had to overcome a challenge in life? Well yeah you have .. it’s life , everyone has challenges that they have to deal with!…
My first week of high school was pretty good. I like all of my teachers, and my classes are in a good order. It was difficult waking up early on the first day because prior to then, the earliest I had woken up during the summer was 8:00. I got lost going to FACS on the first day, and then again on the second day. I found my regular classes easily enough, and I haven’t gotten any tardies.…
Graduation speech Juan C “Nothing is over until the moment you stop trying.”- Bryan Dyson Being Comfortable has been a real struggle for me these past years i’ve been here in holmes.6th grade for a 5th grader is scary, not knowing what is coming for you. 7th grade becomes easier because you already have an idea of how junior high is. 8th is all about reflecting over 6th and 7th grade. But it’s not always about problems, stress and sadness, there's also good times, like when we went to camp duncan in 6th grade, when I performed in the V-Show in 7th grade,…
I have three weeks left of my freshman year, and so far this year has been quite the journey. Although, the journey has kind of sucked if I’m being honest. High school has been alright, but middle school was way better. I miss the nice teachers, the roll schedule, and much more. The classes have been easy this year, but I would prefer a challenge rather than just easy work to keep us busy.…
So far my high school has been fun and pretty exciting as a freshman. Everything has been really fun and enjoyable. Hope everything is still good where you live after the hurricane. Overall, everything here is perfect and couldn’t ask for anything better. School has been passing by very quickly and wish you were here; it would make school a whole lot more fun.…
What did you learn about yourself in High School so far? High school has been a crazy 3 years. Throughout the years as a high schooler I changed a lot personally and physically. looking back at the different memories from the past I realize how much I have grown, and high school have helped me grow. Especially in my current junior year I have changed.…
Welp, the first couple weeks were awkward. A Lot of going through stuff, introductions, bunch of figuring out how stuff works around class, figuring out who likes you and who don’t. It’s just peachy, new beginnings, old endings, trying to see your way into your new path, and then you get comfortable on the path, it all starts to feel like a normal straight line. Like it’s nature. Then it throws stuff at you, essays, friends, drama, grades, fun, fear, papers, organization.…
The first day of school is something that is dreaded by most, it is the end of the wonderful time we call summer, it starts months and months of stress and pain, and it means getting up at six every weekday, with about four to six hours of sleep. Once you finally realize that you cannot escape the impending doom that is upon you, it is time to get up and get ready for it. Now school is not that bad, but the first day is one of my least favorite days of the year, I dislike the introductions, the explanations of the classes that you will be stuck with, and the little games that teachers make us play. It makes me feel like a child again and the first day just feels so vile because I know that it is leading to a year’s worth of school. After I finished getting ready for school, I reluctantly get into my car and start driving to school.…