Previous IGNS (Link namemc profile):
Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Server you are applying for [hcf or white - silver]: I am currently applying for HCF.
Approximately, how long have you been playing FMC: I just started Today and hoping to keep going!
Do you have previous experience with a staff position / it's permissions: I have many past experience as being staff and have a good look on many permissions staff has! I was Moderator on many servers including ChamberOfPimps, ZirconHCF, and ZombieCraft! These servers had some players and I have gotten much experience from Moderating servers by this! All of this are my friend's servers! Most …show more content…
Answer these questions based on the rules
What would you do if someone threatened to DDoS/DoS the server: I would mute or either ban them. Threatening to DDos is a bannable or mutable offence!
What would you do if you caught someone x-raying and they admitted it: I would give them a reduced ban for admitting and giving me less time to SS!
What would you do if someone was being toxic (excessive swearing / disrespecting staff - players and the server): I would mute them for some time for being Toxic and rude to players and the server.
Describe the following in detail
Describe in detail (To the best of your ability) what you'd look for if someone was x-raying: First, I would tell them to press download Join.Me so I can see their screens. Then tell them to press F3 to see what version they are running on. Next I will tell them to go to their resources folder. Find if they have any X-Ray resourcepacks. Then tell them to open the folder to their .minecraft! Check their mods and see if they have X-Ray. Check if they are using the correct version. If I find anything fishy I will ban them or X-Ray. If they are clean I will try and check for clients that have …show more content…
This is very useful for anyone who needs some info on how to find clients! Do you have a decent understanding off the different ghost clients? (Explain): Yes, I can find Spook and or Vape easily. Many other clients.