- Factions
IGN: MidnightDragon9
Age: 17
Timezone: EST, USA
Do you have skype or discord? If yes, are you able to use a microphone?: Yes, i have discord, and also i'm able to use a microphone, i'm currently using a laptop.
Why do you want to be staff?: I feel that having this rank will show that I have the opportunity to be a helper on this server. Lots of people tend to need help when there is conflicts in chat. I would like to step in and help out with those situations. I don’t like it when people spam and chat flood, so most likely other people don’t want it either. So I would help with that in chat. I also seen players complain about hackers using unfair advantages in-game or pvp, probably just to make …show more content…
So i started playing on it for weeks, knowing how fun it is. I also was able to help other people when needed so i was able to handle issues a player was having. The day i applied for staff, i started at Helper which seems fit to me. The next few days, i get promoted to moderator which was a big surprise, as i get more privlages, i was able to handle more situations, like keeping chat clean of advertisers and ddosers. But i also can find and catch hackers and i had a smart way to do it. As i reached the top rank (Head-Admin), i started enjoying it alot. At some times, players were ACCUSING me of hacking, griefing and just banning players for no reason, which was outragous. The players on that server didn't like me at all cause of how i treated them. I was being harsh at sometimes cause i wanted to tell the players that i wasn't good to abuse things. The staff said that i'm getting demoted for force-tp to player and kill them (Which i didn't). But i was only demoted to admin but i didn't give up, i had to work my way back to the top staff rank and get my operator back. The last day of DiamondFactions is when i actually got demoted to member for stopping the server, which i didn't mean too at all. There is a worldedit command called /top. Some staff was abusing a plugin to ice all around me so i tried to do /TOP to …show more content…
I am actually really addicted to the game as well as playing on HavocCraft so i can actually stay on this server for 10-12 Hours on the weekends. But on school days, i play on this server for 5-6 Hours a day. One last thing I gotta say is that I have a WEAKNESS that I DEFINENTLY NEED to work on. My biggest weakness is trying to control my anger, now I say that controlling my anger is kind of a hard thing for me because sometimes when I die, I get really mad over it because I think that the player is too powerful or he maybe hacking or because he’s abusing to do it. So that is something that I’m gonna have to work on it. Maybe I should taker Anger-Management