Prof. Schmitt
Soc 3
1. My grandmother passed away December 16, 2013 and she wasn’t buried right away. She wasn’t buried until January 9, 2014, because if she was to be buried before that, her spirit wouldn’t properly transition into a prosperous afterlife according to my grandfather, whom is a spiritual leader within our culture; Comte (Turner: pg 27) would say this is Metaphysical Stage, because this is a transitional stage from the supernatural to scientific stage, where society decided to pull away from the idea of deities/gods influencing everyday lives, they now use abstract metaphysical entities to explain phenomena.
2. When I was in 4th grade, a fellow student who happened to be Christian asked me if I believed in God, my response was no and she told me that I was going to hell. Comte (Turner pg 26) would say this …show more content…
Whenever I get sick, instead of praying or going to a spiritual leader, I go to a medical doctor, then a pharmacist. Comte (Turner pg 26) would say this is Positivistic Stage, because society is moving from supernatural remedies to professional scientific knowledge.
4. I go to a public school that is paid by the government, which is supported by the text payer, so that I may get an education and a profession that helps contribute back into society. I would participate by paying taxes and being an outstanding citizen. Comte (Turner pg 23, 340) would say this is Functionalism, because we have several independent groups of the same society contributing to a common goal, such as paying taxes for a better infrastructure.
5. I use to work as a hostess and I would sit people, then the waitress would take their order. After taking their order the kitchen would cook it and also clean the plates, whereas the waitress would serve them and the customers would eat, pay, and leave. Comte (Turner pg. 216) would say this is Division of Labor, because splitting task among one another is consider division of