An individual who immigrated to the United States
1. Where are they from and how old were they when they got here?
a. Sarahi is from Tijuana and arrived in National City, California when she 16 years old.
2. What is the biggest difference they noticed when they got here?
a. When she got here she said the biggest difference she noticed was the language barrier. She said she felt like an alien, and really shy around other kids unless they spoke Spanish too.
3. What misunderstanding have they had due to culture? (explain)
a. She said most of the cultural misunderstandings were due to the language barrier. Trying her best to explain things in English but because her English was so broken it made difficult to communicate. She told me about this …show more content…
What appeals to them about his or her religion?
a. Sinaan follows the Islamic religion. He said what appeals to him about his religion is he “grew up with it” and it is “very practical”. His parents are from Islam and so it very near and dear to his heart.
2. What is the hardest thing he or she has to endure to stay true to their religion?
a. Sinaan said the hardest thing he has had to endure to stay true to his religion was “by far 9/11”. He said he felt like people judged him for “at least 2 years after the horrible incident”. Sinaan said he “struggled believing that men could do such a thing in the name of Allah” and that “Allah did not want this”.
3. What misunderstanding has he or she ever had due to an age difference (explain)
a. Sinaan said many people thought that “just because” he was Islamic that he “supported the bombings”. He said kids would tell him “your parents are terrorists” and that he often felt “ashamed” of his belief. Sinaan said, as he grew older he realized their remarks were “simply misunderstandings”, “just because a Christian white shoot another man does not make all Christians bad, right?” He said, “I had to see it like that.”
4. Other