Fight SMA also explained how we all have a vital gene, and when that gene is deleted or mutated it stops the creation of a protein needed for our muscle growth and strength. This causes SMA. I also learned that both parents have to carry the defective gene for the person to be affected by SMA. Many drug treatment studies have been performed, but clinical trials have been unsuccessful. The main treatment is aimed at providing the patients with the best quality of life possible. Stabilizing a patient’s independence and minimizing disability. The use of wheelchairs, braces, spinal orthoses, and splints help with this
Fight SMA also explained how we all have a vital gene, and when that gene is deleted or mutated it stops the creation of a protein needed for our muscle growth and strength. This causes SMA. I also learned that both parents have to carry the defective gene for the person to be affected by SMA. Many drug treatment studies have been performed, but clinical trials have been unsuccessful. The main treatment is aimed at providing the patients with the best quality of life possible. Stabilizing a patient’s independence and minimizing disability. The use of wheelchairs, braces, spinal orthoses, and splints help with this