Cancer is a deathly disease that once a person has it, it very hard and impossible to be cure back, which more and more medication has developed to increase people chance of living than death. However, can we very rely on such as drugs that claim it’s a miracle drug to be able to cure cancer and such. In this article, the statement state “…some vaunted cancer medications aren’t living up to their promises to save more patients’ lives.” I do agree with this argument or statement because in this modern day, we have availability and variety of medication to treated all kind …show more content…
I am not familiar with the “guideline” that it’s state in the article, but it seems that the new once will be more effective toward focus on reaching to population that are at risk with no discrimination in treatment. Although, it’s be very accurate in identify people with the risk, I also agree that given people with risk as lower as .5 percent the drug, like statins could potential cause an unexpected side effective to that individual and cause the individual to be susceptible to the disease like diabetes, coronary artery disease and so on. In general, the benefit of received treatment, individual gain adequate information about the disease and this make the individual learned about its health, which this will probably make the intervention a little bit easier, especially behavior and mind in change than being force to comply with the rule. I think that this kind of prevention based on the new guideline is more open and allow people with lower risk not only get early treatment, but it give individual the knowledge and proper education on the disease. Which future treatment will go smoothly than without this early opportunity because they already know what to expected and how to reacted when it’s necessary.
4. Thoughts and reaction/response. (3