Five frequency (f) tables will be constructed for univariate analysis. Standard deviation (SD) will be calculated for treatment outcomes. The standard deviation will allow the researcher to examine how much the individual values of the tables differ from the mean and other values (Royse, 2010). Percentage (%) will be calculated for all nominal variables to help visual the data through historgrams. Mean (M) will be calculated for age and education level which will help determine the average of each nominal variable. Mode will be calculated for age, education level, ethnicity and referral source. From the frequency (f) distribution table and data table, bar charts and pie graphs will be generated to help visual the data. Part II: Sample Characteristics From the data analysis, we can begin to ascertain the characteristics of the sample population from the Residential Dual Diagnosis Treatment (RDDT) program. Twenty participants were sampled for the current study. All twenty participants had a clinical diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), as diagnosed by a Master’s level clinician. The participants were referred to and discharged …show more content…
The mode of the participants showed that White was the largest represented race at 65%. The second most represented ethnicity in the study was Hispanic or Latina at 10% and Native American was the third most represented at 5%. The analysis showed that 20% of the participants did not have an ethnicity specified as represented in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the breakdown of participant characteristics by education level. From Figure 3, we can see that 6 participants, or 30%, of participants had a high school education, 20% had 11th grade education or less, 25% of participants had some college education, and 25% of participants did not specify an education