+*Description +* As a Box Office Manager, I want to select the database context, so that I would not have to type in the context ID when signing in to the application.
+*Rationale +* In order for the user to be able to select the name of the context, opposed to having to first finding the context ID, then typing it into the application each time they log into the system. +* Acceptance Criteria+*
□ User must select a context to sign in
□ System _shall_ display the list of contexts available for the user to choose from
□ System _shall_ allow the user to access the application if their credentials are good (accurate)
□ System _shall_ indicate to the user that the authentication failed if the username is unknown
□ System …show more content…
+*Rationale+* In order for the user to be able to see additional information about the events returned by the search, so that they can be sure that they are selecting the right event
+*Acceptance Criteria+*
□ User must be able to see the name of venue at which the event is taking place
□ User must be able to view the event lookupID for the events listed in the results
□ System _shall_ display the name of the venue for each event and template in the search results
□ System _shall_ display the event lookupID for each event returned in the search results
+*Description+* As a Box Office Manager, I want the templates to support multiple zones, so that I can build templates from events that has more than one zone. This requirement increases our ability to onboard a much wider audience at launch, for those clients that typically build additional zones for upsells such as parking