Date of application: Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Age: 16 turning 17 soon.
Country: USA
Time zone: Eastern EST
InGame ranks (Mine rank and Donation Rank,only if you have one): Sadly I am not a donor but Ive spent a lot of time on the Prison Server and I'm rank Meow :)
1. Why do you want to be staff?: I would like to be staff because recently i have noticed people hacking and scamming and nothing being done. But without video evidence I couldn't do anything.
2. Describe how you think you could make a difference on CycloneNetwork as a Helper: As another staff member I would be able to make sure the server rules were being followed, everybody was having a good time, and that more people will …show more content…
Have you any past staff experiences? If any, then please describe(DO NOT post other server IP's): I have had many past experiences with being staff. Like this Cyclone I started on most servers as a Helper, then I made my way up through the ranks. Ive also help code servers in the past for friends although that has nothing to do with moderating a server. But when I was their server Dev I was also considered a Co-Owner. With that I was able to moderate the server a lot more. When I look back there was a server I was staff on that was very small I was just a regular Admin which at the time on that server was second from Co-Owner. But at some point a couple staff members started arguing and the community became a poor environment. Eventually the owner sold the server which then turned out to become a very big server which I can not remember anymore. Ive also had experience being a Builder on servers but this inst the application for that.
4. How long have you been playing on CycloneNetwork?: Approximately a week.
5. Have you ever been banned, muted or kicked on CycloneNetwork? (If so, then why?): I have been kicked 1 time for "Aint-Spam" but to be honest I do believe the system is broken, as I was waiting 3-6 seconds between messages.
6. Do you have Teamspeak and a microphone?: Yes I have teamspeak (Which I'm active in) and I have a Mic. I also do have